Goa Gajah

Goa Gajah around 3.8 km, Goa Gajah is locally known as the Elephant Cave because of its close proximity to the Elephant River. A mysterious cave, relics, and ancient bathing pools set amid green rice paddies and a garden lure tourist from nearby Ubud. The menacing entrance to Goa Gajah looks like a demonic mouth, suggesting that people are entering an underworld as they venture inside through the darkness. Some claim that the entrance represents the Hindu earth god Bhoma while others say the mouth belongs to the child-eating witch Rangda from Balinese mythology


Bali, the magical “Island of the gods”, beckons you to experience its breathtaking natural beauty. With its beautiful sandy beaches, volcanoes, rivers, and tropical rain forest, this exotic gem of Indonesia will revive your soul. Comes discover Bali's amazing diversity, its beautiful nature and heartfelt hospitality.

Contact info

Phone : 0361 3206 888
WhatsApp : 0877 3731 4888
Email : reservation@rvhotelkutuskutus.com
Location : Jl. Udayana, Gianyar 80581, Bali - Indonesia

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